All new Formula Fun® boards are warranted to be free of manufacturing and materials defects for thirty (30) days from the date of purchase, subject to the full terms and conditions of the warranty below. All claims of any manufacturing or materials defect must be made within thirty (30) days directly to Formula Fun or to the retail store where the board was purchased, together with proof of purchase, using the procedure under the heading “Warranty Resolution” below.

If it is determined upon inspection by Formula Fun that a manufacturing defect is present, then Formula Fun will repair the board or replace the board with like merchandise at its sole discretion.

No monetary refunds or exchanges for any product other than a Formula Fun board will be made.

Any FF boards used for commercial purposes, such as rentals, surf schools and camps, are not warranted for any period of time.

The installation of any third party parts and/or accessories, such as fins, grips and/or mounts, on the Formula Fun board voids the limited warranty. Drilling or cutting into, and/or affixing objects to, the Formula Fun board also voids the warranty.

AlthoughFormula Fun boards are made with the finest materials and manufactured to the highest standards in the industry, because of the nature of surfing, Formula Fun cannot warrant against damage to or breakage of a board caused or incurred during its use, even if such damage falls within the thirty (30) day limited warranty period.

Damage to any Formula Fun board resulting from wear and tear, misuse, exposure to the sun, heat or elements, or simply caused by the demands of the board when in use, including but not limited to boards that are wrecked, snapped, punctured, scraped, broken, crushed, compressed, dented, and fins or straps that are broken or damaged, or any other damage or breakage of any kind that is not caused by a manufacturing or materials defect, is not covered at any time.

Due to nature of materials used in the construction of soft surfboards in general, there will be some water absorption, which is normal and not a defect. This water typically drains after each use.


If your board suffers from a manufacturing or workmanship defect and is under warranty, please contact us at (949) 417-3307 or When emailing, please include detailed explanation of issue, order number, and clear digital photos of entire top side of board, entire bottom side of board and of any specific area(s) of concern.

Formula Fun reserves the right to make final determination of the warranty status in its sole discretion. If a defect exists, Formula Fun will choose, in its sole discretion, whether to (1) repair the product at no charge, (2) exchange the product with a product that is functionally equivalent to the original product or (3) refund the purchase price of the product. Formula Fun will repair or replace the product as described above and return the product to the customer free of charge within one week or as soon thereafter as is possible.

A replacement or repaired product assumes the remaining warranty of the original product, except that the number of whole days between the customer notifying Formula Fun of a defect and the customer receiving a repaired or replacement product will not count against the duration of the warranty. When a product is exchanged, any replacement item becomes the customer’s property and the replaced item becomes Formula Fun property. When a refund is given, the product becomes Formula Fun property.

Qualified boards must be returned to Formula Fun at the customer’s expense to the address below, accompanied by the original receipt for the sale of the product, clearly showing the date of purchase.

Formula Fun
ATTN: Warranty Department
17592 Metzler Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647


A Formula Fun board is not intended to be used as a floatation, safety or life saving device. Do not use Formula Fun boards if you are not a good swimmer or in any waters in which you are unable to safely swim, including where dangerous rip tides or currents may be present, and do not paddle or surf alone. Adult supervision and caution is strongly recommended for use of a Formula Fun board by any persons under the age of eighteen (18) years. Always use caution when using a Formula Fun board by inspecting for rocks, reefs and other dangerous areas nearby.

Always maintain a safe distance from other surfers, boats and vessels while using a Formula Fun board. Formula Fun boards are not intended for sledding or sliding on any surfaces other than water. Formula Fun boards are not intended to be used as a pool floatation device. Keep product away from open flames.

The use of a life jacket when operating or riding a Formula Fun board is recommended in all circumstances and it is required by law in many circumstances. State or local agencies may impose additional rules and regulations where the Formula Fun board is operated.


Surfing is an inherently dangerous activity and accidents may occur. Risks of using this product include, but are not limited to, the risk of drowning and the risk of collision. Use of this product requires a special degree of skill and knowledge, and you should not use this product without sufficient skill and knowledge. Purchaser, user and/or their heirs, executors or assignees of this Formula Fun board agree to release and hold harmless Marko Foam Products and any employees, subsidiaries, related companies, distributors and/or agents of Marko Foam Products, including but not limited to retailer sellers of the Formula Fun board, from any liability, claims, causes of action and demands of any kind arising from or out of the use of the Formula Fun board where such use results in bodily injury, including serious injury, loss of limbs and/or death, or property damage. The user is exclusively responsible for his or her own safety, the risks associated with this product, and any personal injury to, or death of, the user or any third party as a result of the use of this product.